industrial hygiene


Industrial Hygiene is the science of protecting and enhancing the health and safety of people at work and in their communities by anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, preventing, and controlling environmental factors or stressors. These job health hazards can cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort for workers which can lead to poor job performance and a lack of productivity. These environmental factors can include noise, air contaminants, biological contaminants, emissions, equipment and human activity.

Our Services Include

Industrial Hygiene Services

Asbestos Surveys and Management (AHERA, OSHA and NESHAP’s)
Environmental Quality Assurance Monitoring
Illumination (Light) Surveys/Audits
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Lead in Drinking Water
Lead Paint Inspection and Risk Assessment
Methane Survey
Mold Assessment
Noise Exposure Surveys/Audits
Operations and Maintenance Programs
OSHA Compliance Audits
PCB Caulk Assessment
Radon Testing
Respirable Crystalline Silica Testing
Water Intrusion Inspections

H&P has a Certified Industrial Hygienist on staff.


Other Services

Allergen Testing
Carbon Monoxide Testing
Chemical Exposure Assessments & Management
LEED Indoor Environmental Quality
Legionella Testing
Proactive IAQ Management
Respirable and Total Dust Testing
Respiratory Protection Programs
Training & Fit Testing
Welding Fume Exposure Testing



Contact Chris Nixon at

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