Environmental CONSULTING
Environmental awareness and the need for environmental consulting services has become a very serious matter within the planning, design and construction phase(s) of most every project. Whether the project involves commercial property acquisitions, refinancing, renovations of new construction, environmental due diligence is the norm. Our staff has the expertise and accreditations to provide a multitude of services to fulfill your needs. Our personnel perform these services in compliance with both the Virginia DEQ and the U.S. EPA, which is expected in today’s environmentally conscious society.
Our Services Include
Brownfield Investigations and Remediation Management
Desktop Environmental Report
Environmental Compliance (SWPP/SPCC)
Environmental Impact Reviews
Groundwater Monitoring Well Installations
Hazardous Materials Management and Remediation
Large Tract Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Limited Environmental Due Diligence Products
NEPA Assessment Compliance
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Records Search with Business Risk Assessment
Soil and Groundwater Sampling
Transaction Screen Assessment